Apache Dubbo
Security Notices
Contributor's Guide
Code Generator
Visualizable Console
Proxyless Mesh
More Demos
Security Notices
Contributor's Guide
Code Generator
Visualizable Console
Proxyless Mesh
More Demos
Concepts and Architecture
Relationship with gRPC, Spring Cloud, Istio
Core Advantages
Quick and Easy to Use
Ultra-high performance
Service Governance
Production Environment Verification
Microservices Development
Service Discovery
Load Balancing
Traffic Control
Condition Routing
Introduction to Routing Mechanism
Tag Routing
Script Routing
Dynamic Configuration
Rate Limiting & Circuit Breaking
Mesh Routing
Communication Protocols
Extension Adaptation
Observability Service
Authentication and Authorization
Service Mesh
Microservices Ecosystem
More Advanced Features
User Manual
Java SDK
Version Information
Quick Start
Create a Dubbo application based on Spring Boot
User Guide
Quickly Create Applications
Spring Boot Starter
Pure API Development Model
Communication Protocol
Choosing RPC Protocols
dubbo Protocol
triple protocol
Java Interface Method
Protobuf (IDL) Method
Streaming Communication
Publish/Call Standard gRPC Service
REST Protocol
Observability Service
Log Management
End-to-End Tracing
Link Tracing
Service Discovery
Load Balancing
Service Discovery
Using Zookeeper as a Registry Center
Using Nacos as Registration Center
Using Kubernetes Registry
Package and Deploy
Traditional Registration Center
Service Mesh
Traffic Control
Sample Application Architecture
Adjust Timeout
Service Retry
Access Log
Same Region Priority
Conditional Traffic Routing
Environment Isolation
Parameter Routing
Weight Ratio
Service Downgrading
Directing Traffic to a Fixed Machine
Custom Extensions
How to customize extensions
RPC Framework
Server and Client
Thread Model
Asynchronous Call
Filter Interceptor
Timeout Duration
Version and Group
Passing Additional Parameters
Cluster Fault Tolerance (Retry)
Generic Call
More features
Generic Implementation
Echo Testing
Dynamically Specify IP Call at Runtime
Direct Connection Provider
Event Notifications Triggered by Calls
Server Callback to Client
Service Downgrade
Local Stub
Local Call
Concurrency Control
Connection Control
Host Configuration
Result Cache Invocation
Route Status Collection
Service Reference Configuration Object Cache
Parameter Validation
Reactive Programming
Distributed Transactions
Use Seata to enable distributed transactions in Dubbo
HTTP Gateway Access
Basic Architecture
dubbo protocol
triple protocol
Rate Limiting and Degradation
Sentinel Rate Limiting
Built-in Rate Limiting
Adaptive Flow Control
Security Policy
Class Check Mechanism
Permission Control
TLS Support
Service Authorization
Application Start Failure
Request Timing Sampling
Address not found exception
Low Request Success Rate
Reference Manual
Configuration Instructions
Native API
API Configuration
Spring Boot
XML Configuration
Maven Plugin Configuration
Configuration Loading Process
Serialization Protocol
Serialization Overview
Protobuf Wrapper
Serialization Protocol Upgrade
RPC Protocol
Protocol Overview
Multiple Protocols
New Features of Tripe 3.3
Triple Rest User Manual
Extension Implementations
Redis Protocol
Thrift Protocol
Memcached Protocol
Rest Protocol
Rmi Protocol
Hessian Protocol
Webservice Protocol
Registry Center and Service Discovery
Overview of the Registry
Application Level vs Interface Level
Extension Implementation
Configuration Center
Overview of Config Center
Extension Implementations
Metadata Center
Overview of the Metadata Center
Extension Implementations
Performance Benchmark
Application-Level Service Discovery Benchmark
RPC Benchmark
RPC Console
Support for GraalVM Native Image
SPI Plugin Extension Points
SPI Overview
SPI Plugin List
Some Key SPI Usage Instructions
Protocol Extension
Call Interceptor Extension
Invoker Listener Extension
Export Listener Extension
Cluster extension
Router Extensions
Load Balance Extension
Merger Result Extension
Registry Center Extension
Monitoring Center Extension
Extension Point Loading Extensions
Dynamic Proxy Extension
Liveness Probe
Readiness Probe
Startup Probe
Compiler Extension
Configuration Center Extension
Metadata Center Extension
Message Dispatch Extension
Thread Pool Extension
Serialization Extension
Network Transport Extension
Information Exchange Extension
Networking Extension
Peer-to-peer network node aggregator extension
Telnet Command Extension
Status Check Extension
Container Extension
Cache Extension
Validation Extension
Logger Adapter Extension
QoS Anonymous Access Permission Verification Extension
Routing Rules
Standalone Operation Commands (QOS)
QOS Overview
Command List
Detailed Explanation of Some Commands
Basic Command Manual
Service Management Commands
Framework status commands
Runtime Management of the Logging Framework
Performance Sampling Command
Router Status Command
Serialization Security Audit
Default Monitoring Metrics Command
Source Code Architecture
Single-Port Multi-Protocol
Code Architecture
Service Invocation
Multi-instance Deployment
Multi-instance Design Concept
Models and Concepts
Operating Instances in Source Code
Startup Process and Module Dependency
Extension Point Development Guide
Error Code FAQ
0 - Common Layer
0-1 - Thread Pool Resource Exhaustion
0-2 - Illegal Property Value
0-3 - Unable to access cache path
0-4 - Cache Entry Limit Exceeded
0-5 - Cache file size exceeded
0-6 - Thread Interruption Exception
0-7 - Reflection class not found
0-8 - Reflection Failure
0-9 - Notification event failure
0-10 - Current call is not supported
0-11 - Service Stopping Failed
0-12 - Unknown Exception
0-13 - An exception occurs in the metrics collector
0-14 - Monitoring Exceptions
0-15 - Exception Occurred When Loading Extension Class
0-16 - No available executor
0-17 - An unknown exception occurs when the executor is shutting down
0-18 - Thread pool executor is misused
0-19 - Exception Occurred While Processing Task
0-20 - Exception occurs when storing stack information
0-21 - Too many instances are built
0-22 - Input and Output Stream Exception
0-23 - Serialization data conversion exception
0-24 - Exception of Overriding Field Values
0-25 - Load Mapping Error
0-26 - Warning message when publishing metadata service
0-27 - Thread Pool Isolation Configuration Exception
0-28 - Dangerous Actions
0-29 - Tracer dependency not found
0-99 - Called a Deprecated Method
1 - Registry Center Layer
1-1 - Invalid Address
1-3 - URL destruction failure
1-4 - Empty Address
1-5 - Received URL with no parameters
1-6 - Error clearing URL cache
1-7 - Failed to read and write the service cache of the registry
1-8 - Failure to unregister (unsubscribe) address during destruction
1-9 - Failure to read and write the registry service cache
1-10 - Failed to read and write the service cache of the registry
1-11 - Service instance registration failure
1-12 - Instances of "Registered Service" have been destroyed
1-13 - Failed to execute retry task
1-14 - Dynamic Configuration Recognition Failure
1-15 - Service destruction failed
1-16 - Unsupported categories exist
1-17 - metadata Server failure
1-18 - Metadata service port not provided
1-19 - K8S Listener Exception
1-20 - K8S Pod does not exist
1-21 - No available services in K8S
1-22 - Incorrect K8S configuration address
1-26 - xDS Certificate Generation Failure
1-27 - K8S Listening Exception
1-28 - xDS Stub Error
1-29 - xDS File Read Failed
1-30 - xDS Request Failed
1-31 - xDS Response Failure
1-32 - xDS Channel initialization failure
1-33 - xDS service discovery initialization failure
1-34 - Error occurred while parsing xDS
1-35 - ZK Exception
1-36 - Unknown Exception
1-37 - Nacos Exception
1-38 - Socket Connection Exception
1-39 - Failed to retrieve metadata
1-40 - Route waiting time is too long
1-41 - Istio Exception
1-42 - Low Version Services Exist in Nacos
2 - Routing Layer
2-1 - Routing selection execution failed
2-2 - No Available Provider (Address Not Found)
2-3 - Route shutdown failure
2-4 - Merger interface loading failure
2-5 - Filtering Provider Failure
2-6 - The list of providers filtered by conditional routing is empty
2-7 - Condition Routing Execution Exception
2-8 - Provider Returns Exception Response
2-9 - Timeout check task failure
2-10 - Failure to call the service provider
2-11 - Invalid Tag Routing Rule
2-12 - The provider application name is empty when using tag routing
2-13 - Failed to receive loading mesh routing rules
2-14 - Script routing execution failed
2-15 - Route rule parsing failed
2-16 - Request retry failed multiple times
2-17 - mock request failure
2-18 - Mesh routing rules not being listened to
2-19 - Asynchronous Request Failure
2-20 - Failed to Merge Group Result
3 - Dynamic Proxy Layer
3-1 - Failed to convert the address into Invoker
3-2 - Failed to publish or push service
3-3 - Failure to generate bytecode through Javassist
3-4 - Client request timeout
3-5 - Asynchronous response raises exceptions
3-6 - Proxy execution service encountered an exception
3-7 - Server response result timeout
3-8 - Proxy Failure
4 - Protocol Layer
4-1 - Unsupported Protocol
4-2 - An Initial Error Occurred for the Serialization Optimizer
4-3 - Interface reference call failed
4-4 - Unsafe Serialization Method
4-5 - Stream Closure Exception
4-6 - Deserialization Failure
4-7 - Error Occurred When Closing Client
4-8 - Error occurred when shutting down the server
4-9 - Parsing Failed
4-10 - Triple serialization result failure
4-11 - Request initiation failed
4-12 - Failed to create Triple stream
4-13 - Server Timeout
4-14 - Response Result Failure
4-15 - Client Stream Listener
4-16 - Service is closed
4-17 - Errors occur when shutting down all callers
4-18 - Unable to obtain service model from the call
4-19 - Possible errors in parameter values
4-20 - Data Decoding Failure
4-21 - Unsafe serialization data detected
5 - Configuration (Central) Layer
5-1 - Configuration Center Connection Failure
5-2 - Failure in Registering/Unregistering Shutdown Hook Methods
5-3 - An unexpected error occurs when destroying method calls
5-4 - Method not found in service interface
5-5 - Unable to get env variable
5-6 - Attribute conflict of interface types
5-7 - Unexpected error occurred while canceling export
5-8 - The protocol will use a randomly available port
5-9 - Service configuration export failed
5-10 - Service registration interface application mapping failed
5-11 - Registration Instance Error
5-12 - Refresh instance and metadata error
5-13 - Unable to Destroy Model
5-14 - Model startup error
5-15 - Model Reference Error
5-16 - Unable to find any valid protocol
5-17 - Parameter Value Format Error
5-18 - Notification Registration Event Failed
5-20 - Error occurred when stopping the dubbo module
5-21 - Exception occurred when destroying the service
5-22 - An error occurred when initializing the registry
5-23 - Waiting for export/reference service to encounter an exception
5-24 - Asynchronous waiting for service reference exceptions
5-25 - Custom implementation causes undefined exceptions
5-26 - Metadata has been exported
5-27 - Incorrect usage of internal class API
5-28 - No available annotations found
5-29 - Scan package not configured
5-30 - Duplicate Bean Definition Declaration
5-31 - Status Check Error
5-32 - Error Occurred When Apollo Disconnected
5-33 - Exception Occurred During Apollo Configuration Update Event
5-34 - Error Occurred in NACOS
5-35 - Container initialization failure
5-36 - Error occurred during filter validation
5-37 - Dynamic configuration listener processing error
5-38 - Configuration parameter undefined
5-39 - Error occurred with Dubbo Config Bean Initializer
5-40 - Dubbo configuration bean not found
5-41 - Failed to Read SSL Certificate
5-42 - Dubbo Certificate Issuance Failure
5-43 - Dubbo certificate issuance connection is insecure
6 - Network Transport Layer
6-1 - Server Connection Failure
6-2 - Client Timeout
6-3 - Network connection closure failure
6-4 - Unknown Exception in Network Communication Layer
6-5 - Network disconnection failure
6-6 - Unsupported Message
6-7 - Server connection failure
6-8 - Failed to decode return data
6-9 - Server Connection Failure
6-10 - Payload Limit Exceeded Exception
6-11 - Character set not supported
6-12 - Error occurring during ZK client destruction
6-13 - Stream Closed Exception
6-14 - Server response failure
6-15 - Skip unread stream data
6-16 - Exception Occurred During Reconnection
7 - QoS Plugin Module
7-1 - QOS is Closed
7-2 - QOS is enabled
7-3 - Set the warning percentage value for timeout
7-4 - QOS Service Startup Failure
7-5 - QOS command not found
7-6 - QOS encountered an unknown exception
7-7 - QOS Unauthorized Access
81 - Unit Test Helper Module (Registry)
81-1 - ZK Startup Exception
81-2 - ZK Destruction Exception
81-3 - Unable to download file via URL
81-4 - Embedded ZooKeeper Runtime Exception
99 - Other Unknown Errors
99-0 - Internal Unknown Error
99-1 - Program Interrupted
Introduction to the error code mechanism
Upgrades and Compatibility
Upgrade to Dubbo3
Upgrade to Triple Protocol
Upgrade to Application-Level Service Discovery
Upgrade from 2.x to 3.x
Upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1
Upgrade from 3.1 to 3.2
Upgrade from 3.2 to 3.3
Golang SDK
Framework Introduction
Version Information
Quick Start
Develop RPC Services
Developing Microservice Applications
Usage Tutorial
RPC Framework
Streaming Communication
Timeout Duration
Communication Protocol
Exception Type Return Values
Health Check
Request Retry
Passing Additional Parameters
Startup check
Filter Interceptor
Address Discovery
Using Nacos as the Registry
Using Zookeeper as a registry
Multiple Registration Centers
Load Balancing
Load Balancing
Configuration File
Local Configuration File
Remote Configuration File
Visual Observation
Framework Logs
Metrics Monitoring
End-to-End Tracing
Traffic Control
Routing Rules
Sentinel Rate Limiting and Downgrade
HTTP Gateway Access
Access Ingress Traffic
Exposing Dubbo-go services using Pixiu
Distributed Transactions
Seata Distributed Transactions
Interoperability with Dubbo Java
Non-Protobuf Mode Protocol Interoperability
protobuf+triple protocol intercommunication
Service Discovery Achieves Address Interoperability
Interoperability with gRPC
Intercommunication with gRPC applications
Reference Manual
Ecosystem Components
Generic Invocation
Using the dubbogo-cli Tool
Source Code Interpretation
Network Protocol
New features
Generic Call
Generic Invocation
AOP and Extension Mechanism
The Application and Interface of Dubbo
Using Nacos as a Registry
Node.js SDK
Quick Start
Access Dubbo Services via Web Browser
Python SDK
Quick Start
Custom Serialization
Streaming Communication Model
Service Discovery
Rust SDK
Quick Start
Interoperability between Rust and Java
Service Discovery
Service Routing
Communication using Unix Socket Connector
Streaming Communication Model
Control Panel
Architecture and Installation
Document Query
Service Testing
Service Mock
Standard Monitoring Metrics
Integration Adaptation
Rest Protocol
Registry & Configuration & Metadata Center
Admin Architecture Design
Metrics tracking
Flexible Services
Application-level service discovery
Enhanced HTTP Standard Capabilities of Triple - Multi Content-Type Support
Protocol Specifications
Advantages and Goals of the Triple Protocol
Triple Protocol Specification
Dubbo2 Protocol Specification
HTTP Protocol Specification
Erlang SDK
Quick Start
Consumer Configuration
Provider Configuration
Serialization Configuration Options
Pixiu gateway
Getting Started Overview
What is Pixiu
Pixiu Terminology
Pixiu Frequently Asked Questions
User Documentation
Quick Start
Start and configuration
Deployment operations
Introduction to Listener
Introduction to Http Listener
Introduction to Http2 Listener
Introduction to TCP Listener
Introduction to Triple Listener
Introduction to Network Filter
Introduction to Http NetWorkFilter
Introduction to Grpc NetWorkFilter
Introduction to Dubbo NetWorkFilter
Introduction to Adapter
Dubbo Cluster Center Adapter
Spring Cloud Cluster Center Adapter
Introduction to Http Filter
Introduction to Dubbo HttpFilter
Introduction to RateLimiter
Circuit Breaker Introduction
Case Introduction
Introduction to Http Proxy Case
Introduction to the Http to Dubbo case
Https Case Introduction
Quality Indicators
HTTP to Dubbo Default Conversion Protocol
Developer Guide
Introduction to the Pixiu Filter System
dubbo-pilot Control Plane Deployment
Introduction to Trie Prefix Tree
Security Announcements
Serialization Security
RPC Protocol Security
Registry Center Security
Dubbo Admin Security
Log4j Vulnerability Impact
Dubbo Documentation
Dubbo Documentation
Dubbo SDK User Manual
Dubbo SDK User Manual
Security Announcements
Dubbo Security Announcements
Last modified September 30, 2024:
Update & Translate Overview Docs (#3040) (d37ebceaea)
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